“Go make someone happy,” I wrote.
She said, “I don’t have anyone to make feel happy.” She was alone in her apartment. The usual homeless guy was not at his usual post. I told her that it’s easier to spread happiness than most people realize. Here are several ways to boost the happiness of others and, by default, your own.
- Smile and make friendly eye contact when you see people.
- Open doors for people, especially the ones who are carrying heavy packages or who are trying to pull a wheel chair or stroller through the doorway.
- Compliment people.
- Tell people you think their children are beautiful, especially when their kids are misbehaving.
- Write reviews for the books you read. Reviews, especially positive ones, make authors happy.
- Call your mother and ask her how she’s doing.
- Respond to someone’s Facebook update, especially if she or he is having a bad day.
- Send an email to that friend you’ve been thinking about and tell her how much you’ve been thinking about her.
- Walk up to your spouse and give him or her a shoulder rub.
- Tell someone you are sad. Let that person hug you.
- Sit next to an elderly person at the park. Listen as that elderly person tells you stories.
- Pet your dog.
- Cook your kid’s favorite meal.
- Forgive someone.
- Leave a small gift for a friend or loved one as a surprise.
- Leave a small gift for a stranger as a surprise. Leave a dollar on a cab floor, for instance. Imagine how happy the next person will be when he or she finds that dollar.
- Tell your spouse, “I love you. I’m still glad I married you.”
- Tell your neighbor that you love his or her yard and gardens.
- Tell your mother in law that you love her tuna noodle casserole.
- Tell a blogger that her post rocks.
- Write an inspirational status update on Facebook.
- Send a card to a friend.
- Hand write a letter to a loved one. Thank that person for making a difference in your life.
- Tell your children that they are smart.
- Tell your parents that they were good parents and that all of the therapy you’ve done had nothing to do with them.
- When someone expects you to get mad, don’t.
- Help your spouse find the milk in the fridge even though he should be able to find it himself.
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