Regardless they are gadgets, medical breakthroughs or practical inventions, the discoveries in each department create waves of approval.Science does its best to keep humanity entertained and the most interesting things discovered create the most important steps humanity takes on its evolution as a society.Scientific discoveries complete us while practical inventions make our life easier.
1. Synthetic cells

2. Martin Jetpack

3. Virtual therapy

4. Medical mirror

5. Google Prius – The car driving itself

6. Discovery of the possible new Earth

7. Genetically modified salmon

8. Google TV

9. Satellite for free internet access

10. 3D Glass-free television

11. Straddling bus

1. Synthetic cells
2. Martin Jetpack
3. Virtual therapy
4. Medical mirror
5. Google Prius – The car driving itself
6. Discovery of the possible new Earth
7. Genetically modified salmon
8. Google TV
9. Satellite for free internet access
10. 3D Glass-free television
11. Straddling bus